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1970 - 1979
★ ★ ★

Chapter Report (by David Brevard, 1978)


Mississippi Alpha is alive and well in its 100th year of existence.


Thirty-three men were pledged during this year’s fall formal rush. In addition, three other pledges were gained during the spring open rush program. This pledge group has already begun to make considerable contributions to the well being of the chapter. To the great satisfaction of the active members each of the 33 fall pledges earned at least the minimum grade point average necessary for initiation. This superior academic performance ranked the pledge class Number One in scholastic average on the Ole miss campus over 16 other pledge groups.


Many of the alumni and friends of Miss. Alpha will be gratified to learn of the return as of January 1, 1977 of Mrs. Rose Driver as house mother. Mrs. Driver previously served for a number of years in the same capacity and numbers many friends among the alumni. The chapter certainly appreciates her efforts in directing the day-today management of the chapter house. 


The outstanding pledge class, widespread campus involvement, strong intramural program, and high level of academic are convincing evidence that Miss. Alpha remains strong and vital. This chapter has been awarded the national fraternity’s most coveted group award, the Founders Trophy, for five out of the last six years. It is the belief of the membership that Mississippi Alpha will begin its second hundred years of existence with the Founders Trophy in its natural and proper location: in the possession of Mississippi Alpha.


Campus Involvement


1970 – Charles S. Omara, ODK, AROTC Awards, President of the Committee of 100, Phi Kappa Phi, 3.95 Grade Point Average, The Arthur R. Priest Award; Chris Jones, ODK, Order of Omega, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma; Wayne Drinkwater, Carrier Scholar, Phi Eta Sigma, 3.98 GPA, Hall of Fame, Valedictorian; George Fair, ODK, Editor of The Mississippian, Hall of Fame, Order of Omega, President of Mississippi Collegiate Press Association. 


1972-73 – Bubba Fratesi, Committee of 100, ASB Director of Forum, Lecture Series, Chairman of ASB Welcoming Committee; ODK members- Paul Stephenson, Rick Gamblin, Rick Gernet, David Brevard, John Lucas, Bob Hayes, Randy Noel, Bill Martin, Bill Turner and Lee Bramlett; Members of Phi Kappa Phi- David Brevard, John McLarty, Bob Hayes, Bill Turner, Randy Noel, Paul Stephenson, Rick Gamblin, Dalton M. Mounger; John F. Lucas, Arthur R. Priest Award, Hall of Fame, Editor of the Ole Miss Annual; David Brevard, President of Phi Eta Sigma, Rick Gamblin and Tommy Peters, President of the Business School; Randy Noel, President of ODK; President of ODK; President of Alpha Epsilon Delta, John Lucas and Sonny Rush. 


1978 – Two members were inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, the highest leadership honor society. Two actives were selected for membership in this year’s Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities. Three brothers were inducted into the Order of Omega, the Inter-fraternity Council honor society. Tommy Peters served as president of the Business School. Paul Varner served as Senior Class Vice President and co-chairman of the Homecoming Committee. Al McElroy was president of the Society for the advancement of Management. David Brevard served as Director of Student Activities for the Associated Student Body and president of Phi Eta Sigma scholastic honorary. John Lucas served as editor of the Ole Miss Annual and president of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the pre-medical honor society. John was also elected into the 1976-1977 Hall of Fame. In addition to Lucas, who served as editor, three other brothers held key positions on the Ole Miss Annual staff: Bob Hayes as assistant editor, Payton Self as business manager, and Bob Nance as contracts managers.

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